Thursday, January 10, 2013

On the crafting desk

I was having trouble falling asleep last night and when I finally did, an alarm went off in the building. It went on just long enough for me to jump out of bed and have a near heart attack. Then, it stopped. No idea what made it go off, but I wasn't really sleeping after that.

So, I hardly slept last night. I'm exhausted and a little grumpy.


 I figured I need to start the day by improving my mood, so I started making some envelopes. They are very simple to make which is great for my sleep deprived brain and the end results are always fun and useful.

Envelopes I do have some mail to send anyway, so this worked out nicely. Working with pretty paper always puts me into a better mood.

Envelopes Since I'm still feeling some residual grumpiness, these might get pretty decked out. We'll see.

sunshine on Jan 10th
Right now though this is what I see from my window. Blue skies, sunshine and, even though I can't see this from the window, my computer tells me it's +2 degrees out. I think a nice walk outside will do me good. I'll bring the camera and will hopefully get some good photos to show you guys.

What is your go-to mood picker-upper?


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